Friday, January 2, 2009

Eli is here!

December 15th was a scary, but GREAT day for Ryan and I. Little did we know that our son would come into the world that day. I woke up sick and went to work to make subplans. Ahhh, the joys of being a teacher. As I was leaving and walking up the hall, Lynda Newcomb said to me, "Just think, you might have that baby tonight." I laughed and told her that I thought I would croak. Well she was right and I haven't croaked yet.

I had a regular doctor's appointment that day, but when I went my blood pressure was up and everything just went crazy from there. Needless to say and despite all of the craziness, Eli arrived at 8:05pm that night. The next couple of days are fuzzy (for me at least). I was on a lot of medicine. I only really remember things that I see in pictures, videos, or what people tell me.

The Lord works in mysterious ways and he brought our son into this world safe and sound. Eli is such a little blessing and Ryan and I are both so thankful for that! Ryan and I are both so thankful for the families that we both have and grateful for all the time spent helping us get into our new role as parents!


Wolford Family said...

Absolutely beautiful! Enjoy it! I'm so happy for you guys!

Emily said...

I can't wait to meet Eli!!! Let me know of a good time I can bring you all your goodies from your class! Em